Experience the joy of childhood wonder in "Child's Wildflowers," a tiny painting brimming with delicate and colorful wildflowers of pink, orange, yellow and white all arranged in a decorative vase. Acrylic on paper mounted on wood cradle. Perfect for adding a small a pop-up color to any room.
Experience the joy of childhood wonder in "Child's Wildflowers," a tiny painting brimming with delicate and colorful wildflowers of pink, orange, yellow and white all arranged in a decorative vase. Acrylic on paper mounted on wood cradle. Perfect for adding a small a pop-up color to any room.
Experience the joy of childhood wonder in "Child's Wildflowers," a tiny painting brimming with delicate and colorful wildflowers of pink, orange, yellow and white all arranged in a decorative vase. Acrylic on paper mounted on wood cradle. Perfect for adding a small a pop-up color to any room.